Monday, November 1, 2010

1 day to go, down to the wire!!! Good news for Rossi?

If you are out and about today, you will probably see politicians and their supporters out sign waving as the countdown to the election draws near. Yesterday, we had the opportunity to see Dino Rossi supporters sign waving up on the Smith Island Interstate 5 crossing.

If you are sitting at home watching TV, saving yourself from the rain, you will also likely see alot of action in the Senate race--on your television! As mentioned in previous postings, groups have flooded the airwaves with last minute campaign spending. Many of you probably watched the Seahawks game yesterday, and saw a deluge of ads from Dino Rossi, Patty Murray, The National Republican/Democratic Senatorial Committees and others. Don't expect this to stop as we near Election Day tomorrow.

One of the final polls before Election Day gives Rossi a 2 point advantage, 50-48%. This poll from Public Policy Polling includes a rather large sample of over 2,000 voters, and a margin of error at 2.2%. This is some potential bad news for Murray, as Public Policy Polling is known to be a "Democratic" pollster. While both Murray and Rossi are carrying their base Democrat/Republican voters pretty well, Rossi appears to be pulling ahead significantly with independent voters  and those who have already returned their ballots. As you can see, the race continues to be tight. A poll from Fox News a few days previous gives Murray a 2 point advantage. Most of the polls continue to be within the margin of error.

As we close down this election season, your bloggers thought it would be interesting to interview someone who will also be on the ballot tomorrow, State Representative Mike Hope. Rep Hope is a freshman legislator, who is running for his second term in Olympia. He currently serves as the Snohomish County Chair for Dino Rossi's Senate campaign. Disclaimer: We do not share the same access to Senator Murray's campaign, and do not endorse or oppose either candidate.

Q: How do you see the Senate race affecting your own race?
A: It always helps to have a strong candidate at the top of the ballot. Dino has always run strongly in the 44th district, and we're running on a very similar message--let's restore fiscal sanity to our state and country. This helps bring out the voters who are going to check his name, and continue down the ballot to also check mine. Dino has excited the Republican and independent base, as well as the moderate Democratic voters who are starting to doubt President Obama's agenda.

Q: What are people saying at the doorsteps?
A: A lot of people are angry. Angry with incumbents, angry with taxes, angry with this economy. I've personally knocked on over 10,000 doors so I've heard it loud and clear. There is definitely an "anti-incumbent" mood in the electorate, which will likely help Dino. It may actually hurt me, as I've had voters say they want all incumbents in Olympia out due to the various taxes that were passed last legislative session. I have to remind them that I am not in the majority, and I did not vote for them or the budget.

Q: What are your thoughts on how the Senate race will turn out?
A: There's no doubt, its going to be close. I've been watching the polls as we near election day and its looking better and better for Dino. People are looking for someone to lead in this economic crisis, and he's done it before. He has proven he can balance a budget while still protecting vital services. When I talk with people, that's the kind of leader they are looking for. My gut tells me the race is going to be 50-50, and we won't know the winner on Election Night. Hopefully it doesn't come down to 133 votes like my last race.

Q: Final thoughts on this election?
A: Good luck to all candidates running. All those who prevail will certainly have their work cut out for them after tomorrow. I also encourage everyone to review HJR 4220, a constitutional amendment to deny bail to certain offenders under consideration of a "third strike", which is on the ballot tomorrow. This is a bill that I sponsored in response to the Lakewood Police Officers who were executed in a coffee shop.

Thank you for your time, Representative Mike Hope!

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